Portrait Displays’ Calman color calibration solutions are widely recognized by color professionals across the globe as the foremost software to ensure that content is accurately displayed across all screens. Calman is designed to make the users’ job easier by streamlining calibration methods and providing consistent updates with the latest features.
Calman 2022 includes several compelling features, with the spotlight on newly added support for 2022 LG TVs, 2022 Panasonic TVs, 2022 ASUS ProArt monitors, Qalif Spectroradiometer, HDR calibration for BenQ monitors, and Epson EH & CH projector models.
Users will find a host of software updates to Calman’s celebrated Aurora Color Engine, such as LUT retargeting, HLG Manual Gamma EOTF, and a Matrix Ramp LUT-type as a new 3D LUT option.
Stay updated with Calman releases, including upcoming announcements of additional displays that can take full advantage of the state-of-the-art Aurora Color Engine, by following Portrait Displays on social media.
To purchase or learn more about Calman, please click here or contact sales@portrait.com.
More information regarding Calman 2022 features can be found in the release notes.
Calman 2022 is available for download now with included release notes for each license level. Calman 2022 requires a Calman or All Access purchase as of June 2021 or later.
About Portrait Displays
Portrait Displays provides color display solutions that combine the latest in color science with advanced display control. Portrait Displays ensures that color presents beautifully on screens of all sizes – for global device manufacturers, content creators, and content distributors. Only Portrait Displays upholds color quality every step of the way, from the creation of the first frame to its appearance on the screen of any device.
Portrait Displays’ Calman color calibration software is the most popular calibration solution utilized by Hollywood’s most respected color professionals. Calman color calibration solutions meet the requirements to deliver a superior viewing experience that is just right.
Portrait Displays is headquartered in Pleasanton, CA with an office in Edmonds, WA and a presence across Europe, Taiwan, China, Japan, and Korea. With decades of experience in color science and display technology, Portrait Displays is taking the lead in inventing a more colorful digital future.
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Portrait Displays