When the HDfury Integral 4K60 is placed in the HDMI signal path between a non-HDR test pattern source and an HDR TV, the Integral can add HDR metadata to the standard test pattern source. This makes the test pattern source appear as an HDR video signal to the TV under test, switching the TV into HDR mode.
Calman simplifies control of both the non-HDR test pattern source and the Integral 4K60 with direct connection to both devices. Calman directly controls the Integral 4K60 to enable its HDR output metadata.
Or, if the Integral 4K60 has been supplemented with the optional AVTOPcontroller software, Calman can automatically control the Integral 4K60 through the AVTOPcontroller interface.
This setup guide assists you in setting up and using the HDfury Integral 4K60 and a non-HDR test pattern source with Calman to test and calibrate UHD TVs in their HDR modes.
Note: This guide refers to the original, now discontinued, HDFury Integral. Later models will not work.
Calman Required Version
- Calman 2017 v5.8.2.24 to support direct Calman control
Integral 4K60 Required Firmware Version
- Current version; download from:
this link
Integral 4K60 Computer Connection
- Install the Integral 4K60 device driver. Download the driver from this link
- Connect the Integral 4K60 to the Calman computer with a USB cable.
If the device driver is properly installed, the Integral 4K60 will be listed in Windows Device Manager under Universal Serial Bus Controllers as USBXpress Device. If it is not listed that way, the driver is not yet properly installed.
Integral 4K60 Required USB GUI
- Current version; download from this link
AVTOPcontroller Software Required Version (if used)
- Version 1.08 or newer
Integral 4K60 Initial Setup
- Connect your standard test pattern source to one of the HDMI inputs of the Integral 4K60.
- Connect the HDMI output of the Integral 4K60 to the HDR TV under test.
- Install the USB driver for the Integral 4K60 on a Windows PC (can be your Calman calibration computer).
- Install the Integral USB GUI on the Windows PC.
- Connect the Integral 4K60, via USB, to the Windows PC.
- Open the Integral USB GUI software.
- Under the “HDR / IF” tab:
- Check the FORCE HDR ALWAYS ACTIVE option box.
- Select the Full HDR mode radio button.
- Check the REPLACE AVI option box.
- Close the Integral USB GUI software.
- On the Integral 4K60 unit, set the Audio Settings slide switch to the Audio Replaced position.
Calman Direct Control of HDfury Integral
Calman can directly control the HDFury Integral, to switch the Integral into the desired HDR mode. The Integral will then add the appropriate HDR metadata to the HDMI video signal being applied to the TV under test.
Calman Find Source
- Open the Calman software.
- On the Calman Source tab, click the Find Source button
- On the Find Source dialog, under Manufacturer, select HDfury
- Under Model, select HDfury – Integral 4K60 4:4:4
- Click Connect
Calman Source Settings
HDR10 Metadata
To add HDR10 metadata to the HDMI output of your standard test pattern source, to switch the TV under test into its HDR10 mode, do the following:
- On the Calman Source Settings tab, in the HDR drop down box, select HDR10
- On the Source Settings tab, click the Find Source button to connect Calman to your standard test pattern source in the normal manner. Calman will now control two source devices, your standard test pattern source, and the HDfury Integral.
- Open the Calman HDR10 Calibration workflow and advance through the workflow to test and/or calibrate the TV in its HDR10 mode.
Dolby Vision Metadata
To add Dolby Vision metadata to the HDMI output of your Calman computer, when calibrating a 2017 LG OLED TV, to switch the LG TV under test into its Dolby Vision mode, do the following
- Connect the HDMI output of your Calman computer to the HDMI input of the Integral 4K60.
- Extend (not Mirror) the Windows desktop to the TV screen under test.
- On the Calman Source Settings tab, in the HDR drop down box, select Dolby Vision VSIF
- On the Calman Source Settings tab, in the Source drop-down box, select Source
- On the Source Settings tab, click the Open Pattern Window button.
- Move the pattern window to the TV screen under test.
- Open the Calman Dolby Vision Custom workflow and advance through the workflow to test and/or calibrate the TV in its Dolby Vision mode.