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Sony BRAVIA Guide

This guide designed as a reference to the Sony BRAVIA Workflow, used to calibrate Sony’s upper-end Android TVs including Z9D and subsequent LCD and OLED models with Calman.

Calman Logo

The BRAVIA workflow is used to calibrate Sony’s upper-end Android TVs including Z9D and subsequent LCD and OLED models. This workflow will walk you through the process step-by-step, pre-configures most needed Calman Settings.

The workflow options are pre-configured so once connected over DDC, you will simply have to click “AutoCal” button on each of the following pages (Luminance, Grayscale, and Colorspace) to calibrate.

  • Calman Required Version
    • Calman 2018 R2 v5.9.1 or newer
  • Required Hardware
    • Calman Compatible Pattern Generator
    • Calman Compatible Meter
    • Calman Compatible Sony TV
      • Must be running Android 8.0 or higher to download Calman for Bravia

Sony BRAVIA Calman Supported Devices Chart


  • Calibration capability varies by model and is determined by the Calman for BRAVIA app
  • Models in BOLD will support AutoCal for…
    • Custom 1 and 2 picture modes
    • Luminance
    • 20 point Greyscale
    • Color Gamut
  • All other models listed support…
    • Custom Picture mode
    • Luminance
    • 10 point Grayscale
  • The Calman for BRAVIA app that is developed by Sony reports back to Calman what features the TV is capable of. Always ensure that you’re running the latest firmware on the TV and the latest version of the Calman for BRAVIA app.

HDR Calibration Note

  • The calibration of SDR (2.2 Gamma, D65, Rec 709) is automatically applied to HDR and other gamma formulas.
  • You can validate it by changing Calman and your Pattern Generator to HDR settings (2.2 Gamma, D65, BT.2020, and retaking all the measurements by Read Series.
    • HDR Compatible Pattern Generator required for validation
      • VideoForge PRO
      • Murideo Six-G
  • You can do so in the Validation section of this workflow, but for checking HDR, we highly recommend you to use HDR Analysis workflow instead.

SDR Calibration

Step 1

Calman Bravia Calibration Mode Selection

  • From the Calman Menu in the top-left, choose Open Workflow Template -> Display Specific and then AutoCal – Sony BRAVIA

Step 2

Now, you will connect and configure your calibration hardware

Calman Hardware Connect interface

  • Connect Your Meter
    • Plug your meter into a USB port on the computer and press the Find Meter button on the left
      • When your meter is connected, select your display type from the dropdown (this will vary by meter)
        • OLED: White-OLED (OLED (White) LG, Panasonic, FSI 2018 for C6 Meter)
        • LCD: Varies by model and year. 2018 Master Series LCDs are PFS Phosphor
  • Connect Pattern Source to your computer
    • Click the Find Source button then select your source
    • Select the pattern window size
      • OLED:  Window 10%
      • LCD: Constant APL 10
  • Install the app
    • Make sure your TV connected to the Internet, then open Google Play Store on your TV.
    • Search for and install an app called Calman for BRAVIA
      • Note: If the app does not appear…
        • Your TV may not be a compatible model
        • Your TV may not be updated to Android 8.0

Step 3

Confirm your calibration targets

Calman calibration targets interface

The calibration options are pre-configured at:
  • Colorspace: BT.709
  • White Point: D65
  • Gamma: Power Formula 2.2

HDR calibration is derived from these specific SDR calibration targets. There is additional validation at the end of the workflow that allows measuring different targets.

To restore the Bravia’s factory calibration, enter white point targets x: 0.3067, y: 0.318

Step 4

Calman application settings interface

Full Field Pattern Insertion (OLED ONLY)
To prevent an OLED display from entering its auto-dimming mode during extended measurements, the Calman Pattern Insertion feature periodically inserts a different test pattern during extended test pattern measurements, to reset the display’s auto-dimming timer.

  • Click the Set OLED Default to automatically configure and enable the best settings for OLED panels.
    • This will set…
      • Frequency: 30 (seconds)
      • Duration: 5 (seconds)
      • Level: 15%

Step 5

In this step, you’ll take readings of your display before the calibration. These will be used to compare your calibration results

Calman pre calibration capture interface

  • To take Pre-Calibration Measurements click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and ColorChecker response
    • This will provide a point of reference to compare your calibration results

Step 6

Select and prepare your Target Picture Mode

Calman daily reset interface

  • Using the picture mode dropdown menu, or in the Display Control dropdown, select which picture mode you would like to calibrate.
    • Options are Custom for Pro 1 or Custom for Pro 2 (on some models). Luminance and CMS data will be saved onto the specified Picture Mode.
  • Also by using the color temperature dropdown menu, select where you would like to save the grayscale calibration.
  • After selecting your picture mode, click the Full DDC Reset button. This resets and prepares the picture mode for calibration.

Step 7

In this step, you’ll take readings of your display before the calibration. These will be used to compare your calibration results

Calman grayscale and color pre-calibration interface

  • To take Pre-Calibration Measurements click the Read Series […] button to measure the display’s grayscale and ColorChecker response
    • This will provide a point of reference to compare your calibration results

Step 8

In this step, you will be able to adjust the Luminance of your display to match your desired target.

Calman luminance interface

  • Click the AutoCal Button
  • Enter the target luminance value
  • Click OK to AutoCal luminance

Step 9

Here Calman will adjust the Multipoint Greyscale of your display

Calman grayscale autocal interface

  • Press the AutoCal button and select the correct data points in the AutoCal Dialog to auto-calibrate the Grayscale/Luminance response on your display.
    • You will be offered the correct number of greyscale points for your display
  • Click OK to begin greyscale AutoCal

Step 10

Here Calman will adjust the Color Gamut of your display

Calman CMS Calibration interface

  • Click AutoCal Button in lower-right of Calman
  • In AutoCal Dialog, the CMS values are automatically selected, click OK to start AutoCal
  • Note: If CMS on picture modes other than Custom for Pro 1/2 has to be adjusted, see the CMS calibration result on DDC Window (HSL values), and adjust exactly the same on the modes of your choice.

Step 11

In this step, you will be verifying the Luminance of your display after the calibration has been done

Calman verify luminance interface

It’s common for a small amount of luminance is lost after calibration, here you will AutoCal to your target again to make final fine adjustments.

  • Click the AutoCal Button
  • Enter the target luminance value
  • Click OK to AutoCal luminance

Step 12

Post-calibration readings to document the post-calibration condition of the display.

Calman post-calibration capture interface

  • Click the Read Series […] button

SDR Calibration is complete.

(OPTIONAL) Alternative Gamma Verification

This workflow is setup to calibrate to 2.2 gamma. If you would like to validate an alternate gamma value, enter it in the gamma field on the Verification Options page. Then use the “Display Controls” to the right to change the TV’s gamma formula to match the value you entered in the field above.

Note: Once an alternate gamma is selected use the post-calibration to verify the results. Previous workflow validation pages will compare to the adjusted gamma value.

Tags:  AutoCalBraviaMaster SeriesSony