Calman Home – Assets Pack
June 22, 2023Calman Ultimate, Video Pro, Studio, and Home Enthusiast users have access to the Calman Home workflows. In most cases these are simplified, and more automated, versions of the version included in the Professional versions of Calman….
Calman Eyeglass Guide
July 26, 2024Information on the Calman Eyeglass 3D LUT Visualization Tool…
Tags: 3D LUT3DLUTEyeglassCalman Action Buttons
July 26, 2024An Overview of the Action Buttons in the bottom-right of Calman…
Application Preferences
July 26, 2024An introduction to the Application Preferences panel in Calman….
Absolute vs Relative RGB Charts in Calman
July 26, 2024Almost all Calman workflows include one or more RGB Balance charts. These charts are typically used to plot and compare the different amounts of red, green, and blue light produced by a display at different signal drive levels. Because there are options on what information Calman can include in each chart, occasionally there is confusion when comparing different RGB Balance charts plotted from the same display. …
Tags: AbsoluteBalanceChartsRelativeRGBAbout DeltaE (ΔE)
August 3, 2020DeltaE is a measure of the difference between two colors. The E stands for the German word Empfindung which translates to sensation, or impression. With one color as a reference, DeltaE is a measure of the error of that color from that reference….